5 Days to Boost Your ENERGY
You're tired...all the time. You've been to your doctor. They think it's your thyroid, but your labs look fine. They think you're just stressed and need to just "relax." They are suggesting sleep studies. They tell you to eat less and workout more. When none of those work, they say you're depressed, and you're given medication for a condition that you don't have. Your labs may even look great, but you still feel like trash. What could be missing? Lots. Let's unpack it using systems and sequences by joining me as I walk you through my "Fix The Fatigue 5-Day Challenge."
DAY 1: WHY You're Always Tired
While it's easy to chase your hormones like thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in hopes of solving your energy woes, there's a predictable sequence of compensations that occur that sacrifice those hormones for a hierarchy of immediate needs. What's the point? The point is that there is a much larger picture of disruption that tanks your energy and those hormones are some of the first sacrificed. I would argue you're not tired because those hormones are off but because of what caused those hormones to be off.
DAY 2: Fueling for Sustained Energy
If you have a wilting plant that needs nursing back to health, what do you do? Do you restrict water, sunlight, and nutrients? Sounds ridiculous, right? That's the overwhelming majority of advice you get from your doctor and many social media influencers. Let's "challenge" the notion of restrictions in today's challenge.
DAY 3: It's Electric (boogie woogie woogie)
You can have the perfect house built but with faulty wiring, none of the lighting, HVAC, and entertainment will work. From your adrenals, thyroid, reproductive hormones, and every hormone and neurotransmitter communication, you need specific needs for those connections to fire appropriately.
DAY 4: Adding MPGs to Your RPMs
This will feed off (get it) the day 2 challenge. It's not just expansion but efficiency. Let's keep it simple. For action to be sustainable, it can't be over complicated, so hopefully this day simplifies things for you a bit.
DAY 5: Trouble Shooting Tough Times
The goal of this challenge is to equip you with some sustained solutions. The reality, though, is that life happens. There will be seasons that put more demand on your daily efforts to get the same outcomes. We will dive into a 3 variable equation that, when analyzed, will give you the tools to trouble-shoot when you encounter the "resistance."